Grade 11 University Level French

This course draws on a variety of themes to promote extensive development of reading and writing skills and to reinforce oral communication skills. In addition to producing various dialogues and oral presentations, students will create a variety of written assignments for a range of audiences, as well as a culminating assignment, which will challenge their written and oral skills. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.

They will continue to ‘train their brain’ through memory work and spontaneous communicative and language building activities. Their ability to speak spontaneously and apply their critical thinking skills will be encouraged and challenged during real-life discussions in French on ‘Pause Café” Fridays. They will have a weekly ‘literature day’ and study the classic “Le Comte de Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas.

We will celebrate the French culture using all of our senses, while working through the themes of  the ‘Express 11e’ textbook. French cultural celebrations will be brought to life and experienced first hand in the classroom through food, music and atmosphere. For our unit on social issues, students will partner with a local aid organization and learn that everyone can help make a difference. It is a full and exciting year!


Students may continue on the Pre-Advanced Placement pathway by selecting Pre-AP Grade 11 French (FSF3UW). In addition to the skills developed in the 3UI, students will have multiple opportunities to expand upon their skills via further literature study and development of the four strands of Language development.