In May 2024, Ontario’s Ministry of Education announced new rules on cell phone use in schools starting in September 2024. 

As educators, we have a responsibility to cultivate an environment that encourages the learning and well-being of our students. Studies have shown that students’ achievement and well-being improve when they experience a sense of community. Teachers and administrators have reported over the last few years that the number one distraction for students is their cell phone. Cell phones have positive uses, but in classrooms, they can lead to distracted, disengaged students who are socially isolated from their peers and their learning. Self-regulation is a key employability skill. Minimizing distractions for students, supporting their capacity for regulation and optimizing the conditions for learning is our key goal. At Bluevale, we have pledged to work with our students and caregivers to support students struggling to regulate and focus on their education.  Staff shared this new policy with students in June 2024.  This policy was also shared with the BCI School Council last Spring.  

As of September 4, 2024, BCI will implement the following changes:

Cell Phone and Headphone/Earbuds

  • Cell phones should be stored in a bag, backpack, or locker during class time. 
  • Earbuds/Headphones go away and out of sight when a student walks into the classroom. With permission of a teacher, earbuds/headphones can be used with a student computer only, not connected to a phone
  • Cell phone and earbud/headphone use are not allowed in the hallways or washrooms during class time. 

Cell phones/devices are permitted to be used ONLY during the following times of the school day:

  • Before the first bell of the morning
  • Between classes 
  • Lunch time
  • After school
  • During spare (only in the Cafeteria, Library, or Front Foyer)

Students who struggle with following these expectations will be asked to bring their phone or earbuds/headphones to the office to speak with an administrator.  Students will be instructed to turn it off, label it with their name, as it will be safely stored in the school main office for the rest of the school day to support their regulation and attention. 

Parents/guardians can reach their child in the event of an emergency at any time by calling the main office and we are more than happy to get them or deliver a message. Call 519-885-4620.

We kindly ask that you please refrain from texting or calling your child during class time or with difficult news during the school day that would be better shared in person.

Save the Date

To help everyone learn more about mental health and social issues caused by cell phones and social media, we have invited Dr. Alison Yeung to speak to parents on Thursday, September 18th at 7:30 PM in the Bluevale Cafeteria.  Please save the date to come and learn with us. More information will be shared on School-Day and the BCI website.  We thank you for your support and cooperation as we work together to reduce distractions and foster healthier learning environments for our students.