We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students on the first day of school – Wednesday, September 4th!  Please read our Opening Day Schedule. Please note that our focus for the morning is Grade 9 Orientation to ensure their successful transition into secondary school. For students in grades 10 to 12, you are not required to be at school until 11:50 a.m.  

All grades will receive a timetable in their period A class on the first day of school (Wed. Sept. 4th). We suggest you put this copy in your locker or in a binder that you carry.   Remember you cannot use your cell phone during class time.  Grade 9s will have received a copy in the mail and they will get a second copy on the first day in their period A Class.  

Students in grades 10 to 12 will find alphabetical lists posted outside the office, the front foyer area and in the gym area.  These lists will include your period A classroom number. When you arrive over the lunch period look for your name on the list and proceed to your period A classroom. Your period A teacher will distribute your timetable, which you will follow for the rest of the afternoon. Our regular daily schedule and school map can be found on the right side of the BCI website. Please note that we will be running a week one and a week two schedule in which the afternoon periods flip.  

Students in our ACE Classes will have a full day of instruction, beginning at 8:15 am. Please check for your bus start date. A free pizza lunch will be provided to you.  


We have updated our school cell phone policy to reflect the changes that the Ontario  Ministry of Education announced in May 2024  on cell phone use in schools.

As educators, we have a responsibility to cultivate an environment that encourages the learning and well-being of our students. Studies have shown that students’ achievement and well-being improve when they experience a sense of community. Teachers and administrators have reported over the last few years that the number one distraction for students is their cell phone. Cell phones have positive uses, but in classrooms, they can lead to distracted, disengaged students who are socially isolated from their peers and their learning.

Self-regulation is a key employability skill. Minimizing distractions for students, supporting their capacity for regulation and optimizing the conditions for learning is our key goal. At Bluevale, we have pledged to work with our students and caregivers to support students struggling to regulate and focus on their education.

As of September 2024, BCI will implement the following changes:

New Cell Phone /Tech Policy

Cell Phone and Headphone/Earbuds

  • Cell phones should be stored in a bag, backpack, or locker during class time. 
  • Earbuds/Headphones go away and out of sight when a student walks into the classroom. With permission of a teacher, earbuds/headphones can be used with a student computer only, not connected to a phone
  • Cell phone and earbud/headphone use are not allowed in the hallways or washrooms during class time. 

Cell phones/devices are permitted to be used ONLY during the following times of the school day:

  • Before the first bell of the morning
  • Between classes 
  • Lunch time
  • After school
  • During spare (only in the Cafeteria, Library, or Front Foyer)


Lockers will be assigned beginning on Thursday, September 5th to individual students. Please be prepared with your numerical or alpha combination lock (no symbols or key lock).  You are required to share your combination with the office to receive a locker. You will not be assigned a locker until you have a lock in hand. We do not sell locks for lockers. We strongly encourage students to take their assigned locker to ensure a place for them to keep their cell phone, outerwear, phys ed and team clothing, valuables, and school materials.  Please do not share a locker even with a friend or sibling or share your combination.  

More information regarding school start-up will be shared here on our school website, the Board and school website and through School Day (open to parents/guardians on Mon. Aug. 26). Please continue to regularly check the website for up-to-date information as well as the School Year Information Icon for back to school forms that need to be completed.  

School Transportation:  All Inquiries regarding School Bus Transportation need to be directed to Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region at 519-744-7575 or visit the transportation website:   www.stswr.ca

If you did not pick up your June report card during the second week of July, you may pick it up at the office during the first week of school.

We look forward to seeing you in September!