We are getting close to the end of quadmester 1 and want to review again the expectations for our upcoming Summative Days.  As communicated to you in an earlier post (Oct. 22) there is no 30% final evaluation this year.  Students’ final marks are based on 100% term mark.  Teachers will have communicated to students how the 100% term mark is derived.  There will be no formal exam schedule.  Over these three days students who are needing to rescue their credit will have opportunities to complete outstanding demonstrations of learning at home, submit outstanding work, and/or demonstrate learning via oral conversations via the telephone or a google meet.  Students will be contacted if they are in this situation. The chart below outlines the times students in both cohorts would have the opportunity to engage with their period A and B teachers for credit rescue. Students will not attend in person; transportation will only be running for those students who are in ACE programming.  All other students are at home over these three days. ACE students will report to their classes. 

Report Cards will start to be distributed on November 23rd.  Further information will be communicated closer to this date.  


November 11 November 12 November 13

Learning Block 1

8:15 – 9:15

Course A 

Cohort A & B

Course B

Cohort A & B

Course A

Cohort A & B

Learning Block 2

9:15 – 10:15

Course B

Cohort A & B

Course A

Cohort A & B

Course B

Cohort A & B


11:00 – 2:00

Teachers will be available to students from both courses by appointment as needed. Teachers will be available to students from both courses by appointment as needed. Teachers will be available to students from both courses by appointment as needed.