On Saturday, May 28th at the University of Waterloo, in the blazing heat and humidity, the Bluevale Electric Car Club defended their unprecedented success from last year. At the end of the day’s racing the team won the 12 volt division, the 24 volt division and, in the most important category, according to the team’s coach, Mr. Cox, the prestigious Engineering Award. For this award students from the team have to explain their vehicle’s design and the process that went into getting the vehicle race ready. It was a phenomenal day for the team. Not only did they experience wonderful success on the track and in the pit area, but they brought great respect to Bluevale Collegiate as the team stayed long after the racing and awards to clean the area, working hand in hand with personnel from the University of Waterloo. Congratulations to Mr. Cox, Mr. Smith, Mr. Rose and the entire Bluevale Electric Car Club on another phenomenal season!