Hello Knights! 

Through discussions with Public Health, we have been able to arrange temporary access to the school for students to come in and remove personal items from their lockers.

The link below will take you to a Google Form that will let you sign up for a time to come to the school. Time slots are for 15 minutes and will be available for three days – Thursday, June 18th Friday, June 19th, and Monday June 22nd between the times of  9:30 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 3:30 pm.

Grade 12 Students we would really like you to return your textbooks and Chromebook during this time.  Please make sure all items you are returning clearly have your name on them with masking tape or inside the cover.  If you need your Chromebook for summer school or other learning you may keep it at this time.  Watch for information on how to return it at the end of summer.  

Students in Grades 9 to 11, if you are returning to retrieve items, you are also encouraged to return your books and any other school belongings you may have.  Please label all items you are returning clearly with your name.  You will of course be keeping your Chromebooks for learning in the fall.

Please note that if choosing not to retrieve items at this time that your locker will remain locked.  Students will retain their current locker next year.   

Please also note that school washrooms will be closed. Access to the school is prohibited to anyone who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or who has had contact with a confirmed case. 

Entry to the school for students with a locker on the second or third floor will be through the front doors.  These students are asked to park in the side student parking lot (parking in every other space) and then to line up on the designated marks at the front of the school.  Upon entry please follow the direction arrows in the halls to keep the flow of traffic one way.  Exiting from the second and third floors will occur out of stairwell 

Entry to the school for students with a locker on the first floor will be through the side entrance with the ramp.  These students are asked to park in the side teacher parking lot (parking in every other space and then line up on the designated marks on the ramp.  Upon entry once again follow directional arrows. Exiting from the first floor will occur out the end of the new wing hallway.

The number of students in the school at any time will be limited during each time slot.  Only one person per family (student or parent) will be allowed to enter the building. Physical distancing at all times will be required and no social gatherings will be permitted. 

If you require access to the school to retrieve personal items, please first complete the Region of Waterloo Public Health COVID-19 Self-Assessment and then sign up, using your WRDSB email, at the following link:



If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. Morris at stephanie_morris@wrdsb.ca.


I hope you are all well and staying safe.



Ms. D. Tyrrell
