Bluevale is partnering with Lincoln Heights to host Sara Westbrook, on Thursday, February 18th, for a free one hour presentation beginning at 7:00 pm at Lincoln Heights Public School.  Sara is a motivational speaker and performer who will present 3 + 1 Habits of Resilient Families.  The presentation is for parents and focuses on building respect, confidence and resilience in young people.  The event is free and child care will be available. Please see attached poster for details.

During the day on Thursday, Sara will be presenting her UPower presentation to students at Bluevale Collegiate in the morning and Lincoln Heights in the afternoon.  This presentation focuses on empowerment.  “Your choices, not your circumstances, define who you are.”  Both the Bluevale and Lincoln Heights school communities are looking forward to welcoming Sara not just for our students but for our parents as well.